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Age Limit for Lasik Surgery: What You Need to Know | UELC

Is There an Age Limit for Laser Eye Surgery?

If you are considering laser eye surgery but fear that you may be too old, you’ll be pleased to know that there is no age limit. Once you’ve reached the minimum recommended age, you can undergo laser vision correction at any point in your life. Continue reading to learn about how this procedure affects you at every stage of your life.

  • Kids
    While you are never too old for this procedure, there is a lower age limit requirement. It is not recommended for those under the age of 18, as their eyes are still developing, and their eyesight will likely continue to change as they age. After 18, surgery may be considered for those under 21 as long as they have had a consistent prescription for two or more years.
  • Young People
    Older teenagers and college students will often have active lifestyles. They may find themselves in situations where wearing glasses or contacts can be inconvenient. Laser eye surgery can help make this easier. Consult with a surgeon to determine if you are old enough for the procedure and if it can benefit you.
  • 20s and 30s
    Studying, work, and excessive screen time can affect your eyes as you enter post-secondary school and the workforce. Also, this is often the age when people begin to settle down and start a family. Those who are looking for a simple solution to correct any issues or are seeking a more practical method when they need to be up at night with babies should consult a surgeon about laser correction.
  • 40s and 50s
    Once we hit the age of 40, our eyes begin to change again. People who may not have needed glasses before may find themselves needing reading glasses. Fortunately, provided you are in good health, many people are great candidates for laser eye surgery.
  • Seniors
    Many older people may experience factors that can decrease their likelihood of being good candidates. Let your surgeon know if you experience any eye conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma, or cataracts. These may require additional procedures to treat them prior to undergoing laser vision correction. Be sure to mention the medications you’re taking as well to prevent any issues.

Schedule A Complimentary Laser Vision Correction Consultation

If you are considering having laser eye surgery, contact us to schedule a free Personal Consultation. We’ll be happy to provide you with further information regarding the procedure and answer whatever questions you may have. We look forward to helping you restore your vision. For more information, visit our FAQ page.


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