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Why is Botox for Men So Popular Now | UELC

Why is Botox for Men So Popular Now?

Gentlemen: are you looking in the mirror and seeing things you want to change?

You’re not alone.

Until recently, cosmetic procedures were exclusively preferred by women. That’s changed. Guys are now taking more pride in their appearance, leading to a surge of interest in Botox for men. There’s even a name for it- ‘Brotox.’

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, nearly half a million men had Botox injections in 2018, which is a 381% increase since 2000. If you’re thinking about non-surgical rejuvenation for your face, Botox is one cosmetic procedure that can deliver the youthful appearance you’re looking for.

So Why Are Men Getting Botox?

There are several reasons why more men are making appointments for Botox in Toronto and the surrounding area including:

  • Career: Leadership roles typically go to those who are visionary, energetic, and creative. Wrinkles and deep horizontal forehead lines can make you look tired even if you’ve got the ambition and stamina of someone half your age.
  • Social Media: Everyone posts their pictures online today, both on personal and company profiles. You want to look as vibrant and youthful as possible when the spotlight is on you.
  • Zoom Meetings: If you’re working from home during the pandemic, you know that video cameras aren’t the most flattering. Like social media, you want to make the best presentation possible, and a vibrant appearance is important.
  • Convenience: Botox treatments are so quick that they’re known as a ‘lunchtime procedure.’ There’s no need to take time off work, recovery time is fast, and results can be seen relatively quickly, making it an effective treatment for busy lifestyles.

Men are increasingly aware that there are personal, social, and professional benefits to taking care of their appearance. When you look good, you feel even better and can be inspired to achieve more and more.

How Do Botox Treatments Work?

Botulinum toxin injections (Botox) temporarily temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause unwanted lines and wrinkles. They target the following areas on your face to make you look more youthful and relaxed:

  • Forehead lines
  • Deep lines caused by brow furrowing
  • Crow’s feet (the smile lines around your eyes)
  • Frown lines
  • Laugh lines

Despite what you may have read online, Botox doesn’t ‘freeze your face.’ This is one of the reasons why facial wrinkles caused by gravity or sun damage won’t respond to cosmetic injection therapies. You will be able to maintain a normal expression, which is one of the biggest benefits. Regular treatments are necessary to preserve the effect, but they do a great job of keeping stubborn wrinkles at bay.

Is Botox Treatment Different for Men?

Although this non-invasive procedure is essentially the same for both men and women, the male face has unique needs that call for a specialized approach.

  • Men have larger facial muscles, so higher doses of Botox in the facial lines may be necessary to achieve desired results.
  • Women prefer an arch over the lateral third of their eyebrow to create a traditionally feminine look while men aim for a more horizontal eyebrow, so the injection site must charge accordingly.

At UELC, we believe that everyone’s face is unique, and will tailor your treatment to your facial characteristics while following best practices for the male appearance. This is one of the reasons why so many male patients value and trust our Botox services in Toronto.

Do You Have Questions About Botox for Men?

If you’re thinking about boosting your appearance with Botox, book a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon at UELC. We will examine your facial structure, discuss your aesthetic goals, and put together a cosmetic treatment program that’s right for you. To learn more or schedule an initial consultation, call 416-653-8352.


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